Tea Info

  • Photo: Akio Kurihara-san processes his okumidori tea leaves

    今日はおくひかりを摘みました。 そして、お茶揉んでます。 これを摘んだので、もうひといきかな…。 Today I picked okumidori leaves, and am processing them. These are the ones I picked…just a little more work… The post Photo: Akio Kurihara-san processes his okumidori...

  • Akio Kurihara-san’s way of recycling tea

    生育が少し良くない畑にもみ殻堆肥を投入してます。 これは茶工場で出た茶しぶダゴや、はわき集めた茶粉を混ぜて作った堆肥。 いわば再利用。無駄なく茶畑に還すってことですね。 Adding chaff compost to the tea field that is not growing as expected. The compost is made from remains of tea incrustation and powder of tea leaves...

  • Tea farm ownership system at Kurihara Tea Farm

    Yuji Kurihara of Kurihara Tea Farm shared with us his passion for the new tea farm ownership system. Tea harvesting at the “Tenku-no-chabatake” (literally “tea field in the sky”), a...

  • Fighting red blight organically

    By Akio Kurihara If at all possible, we farmers avoid using pesticides to fight diseases such as red blight (赤焼病 akayakebyou). Today, I trimmed my oku hikari cultivar fields in...