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Guest blogs from tea farmers & tea experts

  • PHOTO: Kurihara Tea Field in Snow 2014

    Akio Kurihara-san shared a photo of snow covered tea field. The post PHOTO: Kurihara Tea Field in Snow 2014 appeared first on YUNOMI.

  • Kurihara Blog: Yametsuhime Shrine

    Yametsuhime* Shrine 八女津媛神社 is where the name yame** 八女 comes from. The shrine was rebuild in 1988 due to a damage from rockfall but before that this is what the...

  • Yamecha black tea by the Kurihara family

    The Kurihara family, in addition to being specialists of gyokuro tea cultivation and production, also one of only a few family farms in Japan making black tea from their premium...

  • Kurihara today – demonstrating Handrolling sencha

    Today, Akio is giving a Handrolling (temomi) tea demonstration at the Hirokawa highway service area. he says, “it’s hot.” At 32C/90F degrees, it’s actually cooler than it has been in...

  • Akio Kurihara-san’s tea field during the rainy season

    梅雨の合間の管理作業。 今日は雨、もちましたね。 山谷の集落を茶畑から眺めて…。 なんかのどかだなぁ〜と見惚れました。 田舎っていいな…。と思う風景でした。 Working in the fields on a temporal sunny day during the rainy season. No rainfall today. Looking at the village in the mountain valley from...

  • Autumn leaves and tea fields

    Says tea farmer Yuji Kurihara: they haven’t met in a year but on their reunion the fall leaves and the tea fields rejoice (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) The post Autumn leaves and tea...

  • Akio Kurihara-san shares a photo of tea field undergoing restoration

    茶畑再生プロジェクト。 今日は曇り空で風が強く肌寒い。でもこの山からの景色を見ると晴れやかな気分になりました。 頑張りましょう。一歩ずつ。 Tea field restoration project. Today was cloudy, very windy, and chilly. But this view from the mountain brightened me up. Let’s work hard. Step by step. The...