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Japan's tea production volume and area

Japan's tea production volume and area - Yunomi.life

Ian Chun |

Year Area (hectares) Total production (tons; dry, unrefined leaf) Ooicha (shaded teas; tons) Sencha (tons) Tamaryokucha (tons) Bancha (tons) Others (tons)
2011 46200 82100 5840 53400 2200 18700 1890
2012 45900 85900 6420 54900 2320 20300 2050
2013 45400 84800 5990 53800 2270 21000 1860
2014 44800 83600 6260 52400 2060 20800 2070
2015 44000 79500 7000 47700 1790 20300 2680


  • 2013 and 2015 data is taken from statistics from major production regions.
  • 2011 and 2012 data is also not representative of total production due to the limitation of commercial shipments due to contamination from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant meltdown.
  • Data taken from Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries report: http://www.maff.go.jp/j/tokei/sokuhou/syukaku_tya_syusan_15_2/

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