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Kurihara Blog: Yuji Kurihara-san’s activity in teaching “tea”

mariko |

I received a thank you letter from the 1st and 2nd grade students of Yabe Elementary School, where I held a “tea class”. ♪( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Tea leaves drawn on the cover page is by a girl in 2nd grade. (≧∇≦)
I am surprised to see and hear how much the “tea class” influenced some of these children; they come along with their mom to buy tea at our shop; become in charge of preparing and serving tea at home; and cherish the spirit of “ichi-go-ichi-e” 一期一会 (ichi-go-ichi-e is a teaching in tea ceremony to treasure every meeting because it will never recur). (#^.^#)
Our goal and theme as Kurihara Tea Farm is to “challenge the world”, but it’s important to start from where I am standing now. Think globally, Act locally…\(^o^)/



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