🎄 (Notice 1/2) 🎄 Happy Holidays! We will not be shipping orders between 12/28-1/13 for the holidays and moving into a bigger warehouse next January. Come back from time to time for chances to win discounts for 2025 totalling a million yen! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE (Starts 12/28)

☀️ (Notice 2/2) ☀️ As we wind down the year, only products with actual units in-stock will be purchasable. Out-of-stock sample sizes, multipacks, procure-on-demand bulk sizes, etc. will be buyable after our warehouse move in January.


  • The World of Japanese Patterns - Yunomi.life

    Japanilaisten kuvioiden maailma

    Perinteiset japanilaiset kuviot ovat hyvin tunnistettavissa yksinkertaisista terälehdistä monimutkaisiin geometrisiin muotoihin. Tutustu joidenkin edelleen suosittujen mallien historiaan, terminologiaan ja merkitykseen. The post The World of Japanese Patterns appeared first on...